-Isabel Kinnear
The OttawaValleySeed Growers is happy to host the Kemptville College Alumni at this year’s OVFS. Alumni are invited to come together on Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 from 1 pm to 3 pm in the hospitality room in Meeting Room #3 (see map). The room is in the same location as last year’s event, and can be found directly opposite Meeting Room D.
Kemptville Alumni will have the opportunity to see a display and learn more about the plans for the Kemptville Alumni Historical Artifacts building that will be built at the Lombardy Fairgrounds. Donations to this initiative are welcome, visit us to learn more. Alumni Bursary information and applications will be available. Stop by for coffee and a chat with fellow grads! For more information, contact Isabel Kinnear, Secretary, Kemptville College Alumni (613 673 5900).